Impact StratCom is an integrated communications agency based in East Africa with offices in Nairobi, Kenya. As one of East Africa’s largest communication agencies by clients, we focus on strategic communications, content creation, digital branding, social media management, editorial events, building audiences as well as viral marketing projects. We effectively work with clients to establish effective public relations campaigns to reach the target audiences, mitigate risk, monitor media and do social media monitoring.
We are equipped with a resourceful team who are the best-skilled PR practitioners that have been working in East Africa’s communication industry for more than two decades. Impact StratCom is a dynamic agency with a strong track record in delivering tailored public relations, content development, marketing, and digital campaigns in East Africa since 2013. We’re working closely with clients from the public to private sectors to ensure their messages are heard. Working in East Africa’s unique environment – we know what works and how to tell compelling stories.
History & Background Information
Impact StratCom has more than eight years of experience in bringing greater visibility to businesses, government, and non- governmental organizations in East Africa. Established in early 2013, we started under the trading name of Impact Advertising Group. It was one of the first functioning advertising companies in East Africa and has vast experience in branding and communication, and billboard advertising, among other platforms. However, Impact Advertising Group was rebranded as Impact StratCom to undertake other strategic communications-related activities.